The Institute of Geosciences has the mission of generating and disseminating multidisciplinary knowledge, with emphasis in the fields of Geology; Geography; Teaching and History of Geosciences; and Science and Technology Policy. The Institute seeks to foster and uphold a diverse environment for coexistence and free debate of ideas, contributing to the development of a society that is more solidary, sustainable and better integrated with nature.
Although it is formally classified as a Faculty of Earth Sciences, the research produced in the Institute covers a broad spectrum of scientific fields, both in Natural and Applied Social Sciences, Humanities and Technology. Through its research activities, the Institute actively produces new knowledge and interacts with society in several ways: (i) our research output triggers important exchange with national and international scientific and technological communities; (ii) many agencies and institutions, both public and private, are or have benefited from research carried out by their different groups and laboratories, including the educational sector, notably elementary and secondary education.
The multidisciplinary context, coupled with the constant search for academic excellence, places the Institute of Geosciences in a prominent position on the national and international scene in terms of its contributions in human resource training, scientific and technological development, innovation and the formulation of public policies.
Research Office
Institute of Geosciences - UNICAMP
Phone: +55 19 3521-5118
E-mail: secretariadepesquisaig [at] unicamp.br