Understanding the controls on the spatial distribution of mineral deposits is crucial for prospecting new occurrences. Various geological processes operate together at microscopic to macroscopic scales, generating mineral systems responsible for significant accumulations of economic minerals. This characteristic of functioning at various scales, accompanied by repetition of features over space during mineralization, indicates that these processes are self-similar, meaning they exhibit fractal geometry. Previous research has demonstrated that the combined action of processes involved in mineralization in such critical, nonlinear systems, produces objects with multifractal characteristics. Therefore, the spatial distribution of mineral deposits should be studied using appropriate methods for better understanding of their controls. In this context, this study investigated the multiscale geometric characteristics of worldclass orogenic gold systems in Archean greenstone belts using fractal and multifractal analyses. First, at the macroscopic-scale, regional-scale features were considered in the major greenstone belt provinces with orogenic gold deposits worldwide, namely: Abitibi (Canada), Norseman–Wiluna (Australia), Rio das Velhas (Brazil), and Central Lapland (Finland). Next, at an intermediate scale, local-scale features were examined in detail within the context of the Córrego do Sítio Lineament. Finally, at the microscopic scale, the focus was on the Córrego do Sítio orogenic gold deposit—a key deposit in the Rio das Velhas greenstone belt. Fractal dimensions of the spatial distributions of mineral deposits, magnetic lineaments, and their intersections were investigated at the macroscopic to local scales, as well as the spatial distribution of ore minerals at the microscopic scale, using the box-counting method. Maps of fractal dimensions of magnetic lineaments were generated and compared with the spatial distribution and tonnage of orogenic gold deposits at the regional scale. The same features were analyzed using the method of multifractal moments. The results at the three scales were analyzed and synthesized to identify meaningful patterns for understanding these orogenic gold systems. With regard to fractality, the orogenic gold deposits in all the investigated provinces exhibited unique spatial distributions at different scales, namely: less than 2–4 km, from 2 to 4 km to 10–30 km, and more than 10–30 km. The analysis of magnetic lineaments yielded a correlation between gradients of fractal dimensions and gold tonnages in the orogenic gold deposits. The multifractal analyses indicate multifractal geometries extending from the microscopic to the macroscopic scale. The calculated multifractal indices of Δα (singularity variation), τ“(1) (multifractality index), and Δf(α) (multifractal spectrum variation) showed direct relationships with endowment of orogenic gold in the studied provinces, as well as with differences in mineralization styles in thin sections. The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the analyses used for improved characterization of the studied mineral systems; they also allow comparing similar systems at different scales and locations and they can be used to study other mineral systems with similar geological controls.
Mineral systems; Self-similarity; Spatial distribution; Orogenic gold; Magnetic lineaments